Second Drin Basin Multi-Stakeholders Conference, Tirana, Albania,10-11 December 2013

About 120 representatives of competent institutions, authorities, regional and national NGOs, academia, representatives of the private sector from the Drin Riparians as well as international organizations and donor countries participated in the 2nd Drin Basin Multi-Stakeholders Conference (Tirana, Albania, 10 -11 December 2013).

The conference was organized by the Drin Core Group with the assistance of its Secretariat (GWP-Med) and the support of the GIZ and UNECE within the framework of the Drin Coordinated Action for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding for the management of the Drin Basin (Drin MoU – signed in Tirana, 25 November 2011).

The event is one of the activities to sustain the active engagement of stakeholders in the process for the management of the Drin Basin through the Drin MoU implementation.
The conference was used also to consult the stakeholders on the development of the Project document of the GEF Project “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Extended Drin River Basin”.

The Conference:

- Presented the activities for the implementation of the Shared Vision and the Drin MoU and seeked input from the stakeholders in this regard.

- Promoted coordination of action -through the exchange of views and information- among national and international actors as well as processes and projects implemented in the Drin and its sub-basins.

- Facilitated cross-fertilization among national and regional stakeholders on management related and development related issues e.g. management of protected areas, monitoring, and challenges in implementing the WFD, sustainable tourism etc.

Please find below all relevant documents:


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Photos of the Conference are available here