Cambodia Water Partnership (CambodiaWP) collaborated with the partners to develop a sound Green Climate Fund (GCF) application. The project proposal was the continuation of the Water, Climate, and Development Programme (WACDEP) started in 2018 aiming at the implementation of IWRM under the medium and long-term flood risks management planning in the Central Floodplain (CFP) of Cambodia.
In 2020, Global Water Partnership (GWP) in collaboration with The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as the custodian agency, which coordinates reporting on SDG 6.5.1 indicator, together with UNEP-DHI Centre and Cap-Net, operates the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme, to support 60 countries in implementing the survey. For the PAN Asia region, the reports have successfully submitted and it is now the time to find out the lesson learned behind the process.
The 2020 GWP Network Meeting concluded on 22 October, with over 900 GWP Partners signed up for the virtual event and others watching the Facebook Live feed (not covered the EURASIA ses-sion). The overall theme was ‘Bringing the Change’ in the context of the GWP 2020-2025 Strategy and as the world faces a pandem-ic. The session covers the global plenary session (Opening and closing) and 3 continental sessions; Latin America and Caribbean, EURASIA, as well as Africa and the Mediterranean.
/ Central Asia and Caucasus, China, South Asia, Southeast Asia
The Asia Region Online Workshop Supporting the Monitoring and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.5.2 on Transboundary Water Cooperation was successfully held virtually on 17 September 2020. GWP is one of the partners behind the workshop along with UN-ESCAP, UNESCO-IHP, and UNECE.
The Water ChangeMaker Awards was launched during the World Water Week, 22nd March 2020. The submission of an application was opened from 6 April and last until 14 June 2020, after extend-ed for one week. The award aims to make visible the teams and organizations that shape water decisions that build climate resili-ence – and to create and support a community of ChangeMakers who contribute and learn from each other in shaping the lessons learned about how to make positive change happen. The initiative is designed to make sure that everybody will benefit from oppor-tunities to Connect, Collaborate, and to Celebrate.
/ Central Asia and Caucasus, South Asia, Southeast Asia
August 4 -- The High-Level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) was established to assist the international community, governments, and stakeholders in mobilizing political will and resources. HELP is committed to addressing water-related disaster risk reduction including the present challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances in hand. The consultation meeting was held to discuss and gain insights on how to practically implement key suggestions proposed in the HELP Principle to Address Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction under Covid-19 Pandemic. The consultation also aims exchanges among decision-makers, experts and practitioners in Asia region on how they can be better prepared for co-occurring disasters on water and health.
Indonesia, 30 June 2020 -- Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia and the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Indonesia successfully organized a Webinar "Coexistence with COVID-19: Learning from the crisis for a better Integrated Water Resources Management.” The webinar was held in Bahasa Indonesia was the third from the SERIAL DISCUSSION, co-organized by the two organization.
Jakarta, 1 May 2020 - The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic remains a public health emergency of international concern. One way to reduce the outbreak is by maintaining good health and sanitation hygiene practices. This article summarizes the discussion between GWP-SEA and IAP2 Indonesia.
The policy brief was developed to understand the current situation and challenges in ensuring water security at the Philippines. in the last part of the report, several recommendation were provided.
Luang Prabang, 28 November 2019 -- the Regional Steering Committee Meeting (RSC Meeting) 2019 was successfully held with the main objective to get agreement on the 3 years work program and the 2020 annual work plan.