News and Activities

Below are news articles on GWP Southeast Asia as well as news items on activities of its country water partnership and partners.
/ Southeast Asia

Expert Discussion 2 on the “Interpreting State Control Rights in the Water Sector in Indonesia”

Jakarta 2 May 2019 -- The expert Discussion 2 on the "Interpreting State Control Rights in the water Sector In Indonesia" was held in Century Hotel to gather experts opinion on how to translate the state control rights on water since the former law no 7/2004 revoked by the Indonesian Institutional Court in 2015 and the new is still in a discussion process by the Indonesian People Representative.
/ Southeast Asia

Open Government Indonesia Discussion on the Water and Sanitation Issues

Jakarta, 26 February 2019 -- The discussion was organized by GWP-SEA partner the Center for Regulation Policy and Governance (CRPG), and Jejaring AMPL (Indonesia’s Water and Sanitation Networks) who also successfully develop a Multi-stakeholder Position Paper on the coming water Resources Law in Indonesia. The Open Government Indonesia (OGI) is part of the global initiative, the Open Government Partnership. The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from national and subnational governments to promote open government, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance.
/ Southeast Asia

HELP-GWP Southeast Asia Consultation Meeting on Draft Principles on Investment And Financing For Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction

Hanoi, 22 March 2019 -- In the Southeast Asia region, prone to many disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts, many efforts are being made to build capacity, influence policies and develop strategies to better equip member states to prevent and address disaster. Given the need and importance of paying attention to water-related disasters, the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP), drafted ‘principles on investment and financing for water related disaster risk reduction’, which was launched during the 8th World Water Forum in Brazil. Building on a cooperation between the Global Water Partnership (GWP), the HELP and Japanese government, a session on DRR is organized with the main objective to consult on investment and financing for water related-disaster risk reduction principles. This consultation was organized as part of Viet Nam wAter Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019 as this initiative is closely related to the VACI’s objectives, which was designed to share and co-create innovative water solution with emphasis on Vietnam and tropical water issues. Keywords: Climate change, disaster risks reduction, investment and financing, Southeast Asia, consultation meeting
/ Southeast Asia

GWP-SEA Regional Secretariat and Country Water Partnerships' Strengthening Workshop

Bangkok, 14-15 February 2019 -- Following the successful implementation of financial workshop in 2018, this year Strengthening Workshop was held to support the country water partnership secretariat on the aspects of planning, monitoring and evaluation through monitoring dashboard that has just developed by the Regional Water Partnership (GWP-SEA). keyword: monitoring dashboard, planning, evaluation, M & E, capacity building
/ Southeast Asia

Dialogue on Share Experience of Harvest Moisture from Thin Air to Collect Water

Yangon, 5 December 2018 -- The dialogue on sharing knowledge from various research works on harvest moisture from thin air to collect water was held at Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department on 5th December 2018 in Yangon, Myanmar. The dialogue is part of the Myanmar Water Partnership activity in collaboration with the Nationalities Youth Resource Development Degree College.
/ Southeast Asia

Support to the 4th International River Summit “raising awareness, commitment and resources for the rivers”

Mandaue City 24 November 2018 -- Philippines successfully organized a session during the 4th International River Summit “raising awareness, commitment and resources for the rivers”. The aim of the session was to articulate various experiences from experts on how IWRM complement river management initiatives. Keywords: IWRM, Philippines, International River Summit
/ Southeast Asia

General Assembly of Lao PDR Water Partnership

Vientiane, 1 November 2018 -- The General Assembly meeting of the Lao PDR Water Partnership was organized by applying of the participatory approach to brainstorm the opinions from the members regarding to the members status and the drafted statute of Lao Water Partnership. keywords: Lao PDR, partnership, statute, membership
/ Southeast Asia

Workshop on the Development of SDG IWRM Action plan

Hanoi, 4 December 2018 -- The main reason behind the Workshop on the Development of SDG IWRM Action Plan was to bring up the concept of "IWRM” - Integrated Water Resources Management - to the discussion table. GWPO supports this workshop as their mandate in support of the adoption and implementation of IWRM, in particular related to the Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6). keywords: IWRM, SDG 6, Water
/ Southeast Asia

New Publication on Floods in the Mekong River Basin

This research summarize flood characteristics and impacts on communities in various places in the Mekong river basin through the year of existing records, with total 50 pages worth to read. Keywords: new publication, Climate Change, flood, Mekong, Transboundary River Basin