The governments of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have signed an Agreement on Co-operation on the Development, Management and Sustainable Utilization of the Water Resources of the Buzi Watercourse. The Agreement signed on 29th July, in Mutare, Zimbabwe by the ministers responsible for water will enhance cooperation between the two countries and the region as a whole
GWP is organising a training on Water Governance and International Water Law (IWL) in Africa together with partner organisations. The training takes place in Kampala, Uganda, 11-14 November 2019. The deadline to apply is 6 September
We invite you to read the draft strategy and share your thoughts. Comments will be considered and incorporated into the final version of the strategy document, which will be launched in July 2019. The consultation period runs from 6-20 May 2019.
On 25 March 2019, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) convened a Gender Mainstreaming in the Water Sector Project Preparation and Financing Clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa. The workshop, organised with support from the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA), brought together financiers, project developers/promoters, project implementers, gender focal points and gender machinery from the 16 SADC countries to discuss practical issues with regards to gender mainstreaming during project preparation and mobilising financing processes.
Gender, like many other sectors, looks so easy on the surface, but so deep when you unpack and implement, SADC ‘s Dumisani Mndzebele told a gender mainstreaming meeting in Malawi.
Gender mainstreaming is about identifying gender gaps and making the concerns and priorities of women’s, men’s, girls’ and boys’ integral to the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes so that developmental benefits are relevant, and are shared equally.
Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) have established a project to support implementation of PIDA water priority transboundary and hydropower projects.