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/ Southern Africa

Desenvolvimento do Programa de Ação Estratégico para a Tri-bacia do Buzi, Pungwe e Save (BUPUSA), para desbloquear investimentos transfronteiriços.

Moçambique e o Zimbabué estão a enfrentar corajosamente a escalada dos desafios sociais, económicos e ambientais nas bacias hidrográficas do Buzi, Pungwe e Save. Em 2023, os dois governos lançaram a Comissão dos Cursos de Água do Buzi, Pungwe e Save (BUPUSACOM) ao abrigo de acordos de cooperação alinhados com o Protocolo Revisto da SADC sobre o Curso de Águas Partilhadas de 2000, para liderar uma resposta unida aos desafios que foram intensificados pelas alterações climáticas e pela má gestão dos recursos.
/ Southern Africa

Roadmap towards reversing Biodiversity Loss in the Pungwe River Basin Ecosystems -a lifeline for People, Wildlife, and the Economy

The Pungwe River basin, shared by Zimbabwe and Mozambique, is rich in plant and animal diversity. However, the ecosystem is now under threat from human activities. In 2023, Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) commissioned an Environmental Flow (EFlows) assessment to understand how the Pungwe River Basin and its ecosystems work, the findings of which will help in managing the river and protecting its natural environment.
/ Southern Africa

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis to unlock investments in the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save River basins

With technical support from the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA), the governments of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have developed a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save (BUPUSA) River Basins. Upon finalization, the TDA is expected to inform the priorities for unlocking investments for reduction in environmental degradation, reduction in poverty, improved water quality, green and grey infrastructure development, flood control, and improved water governance of the BUPUSA Basins.
/ Southern Africa

Four Southern African countries to Launch A USD 6 million GEF - Funded Transboundary Project for Sustainable Development in the Limpopo River Basin

On Thursday, 14 March, four water ministers from Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe will launch the “Integrated Transboundary River Basin Management for the Sustainable Development of the Limpopo River Basin (UNDP-GEF Limpopo project) to which the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa is providing technical support. The Project will be officially launched in Musina, South Africa.
/ Southern Africa

Strengthening Integrated Transboundary Management of the Limpopo

Alignment and harmonization of individual workstreams as well as counterpart workstreams by all technical partners of the UNDP-GEF Limpopo project is critical to the success of the project. This was the key message that came out of the Integration Workshop for the project “Integrated Transboundary River Basin Management for the Sustainable Development of the Limpopo River Basin,” held on 7-8 February 2024 in a hybrid format coordinated from Pretoria, South Africa. The GEF-funded project is being implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with Global Water Partnership Southern African (GWPSA) as the regional executing agency.
/ Southern Africa

Progressos notáveis registados na gestão de cheias e secas em BUPUSA

Os governos de Moçambique e do Zimbabué registaram progressos notáveis na construção de resiliência contra os choques climáticos, incluindo cheias e secas nas Bacias dos Rios Búzi, Pungoé e Save (BUPUSA), partilhadas exclusivamente pelos dois países.
/ Southern Africa

Malawi finalises development of water & sanitation sector response strategies, holds preliminary validation workshop

Malawi has finalised the development of response strategies meant to address major challenges rocking the water and sanitation sector in the country. The strategies were being developed with the guidance of the country’s Ministry of Water and Sanitation, under the Global Water Leadership Programme (GWL) which the Global Water Partnership is implementing with funding from FCDO.