Dialogue on Climate Change

In May 2008, GWP Southern Africa (GWPSA) organised one of the region’s major annual events: the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) multi-stakeholder dialogue on water. The theme, Rising above the climate change threat towards security, targeted the energy, health, environment and agriculture sectors. Discussions focused on likely hydrological changes and how these will affect different sectors, especially those concerned with food, energy and water. The debates were broadcast on five international TV channels throughout Africa, increasing the reach and influence of the meeting. GWP-SA orgasnised the gathering in response to the finding by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that Southern Africa is acutely vulnerable to climate change effects.

Following the dialogue, GWP-SA facilitated participation by the Minister of Natural Resources from Lesotho in a World Water Council panel discussion at World Water Week in Stockholm. The Minister presented the outcomes and recommendations put forward by Southern African stakeholders. GWP-SA also works closely with SADC to increase understanding among policy makers and to present a regional voice at global climate change meetings.