Economically Water Insecure Regions_Synthesis Report

The Synthesis Report on Economically Water Insecure (EWI) Regions presents a documentation of the proceedings held at the 7th World Water Forum in April 2015. The report was prepared by GWP Senior Advisor Alan Hall, as Coordinator for the EWI sessions.


This session was organised by a partnership of five international organisations from four continents: African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Development Bank of Latin America, Global Water Partnership and K-Water.


As part of the Regional Process of the 7th World Water Forum in Gyeongju, a series of five sessions were held with a focus on EWI regions. The sessions brought together participants from four regions to share experiences and lessons from countries/regions facing similar water and economic constraints - without being constrained by traditional regional geographical boundaries.

The follow up will form part of the proposed SDG Initiative through which the poorest and most water insecure countries will be helped in the future work programme.

Access the Synthesis Report here.