The three country consultations are part of the group of countries chosen around the world to get a balance between regions, to build on the level 2 interview process and to include those countries involved in other consultation processes such as the UN “Friends of Water” Group. The consultative meetings generally discussed water issues, challenges and priorities from a national perspective with all national stakeholders involved. Key discussion themes included food-health-energy nexus to ensure that those sectors think about water issues and water people get out of their box.
The consultations, themed under a general title ‘The world we want’ have gathered the priorities of people from around the world to help build a collective vision that will be used directly by the UN and World Leaders to plan a new development agenda launching in 2015. The water dialogues aimed to mobilise the water voice in the post-2015 SD Agenda.
The national consultations fostered an inclusive multi-stakeholder process and advocated for a Post-2015 development agenda informed by national and local priorities. National stakeholders in at least 56 countries will come together to exchange inputs and ideas for a shared global vision of "The Future We Want", in an inclusive and open debate with relevant knowledge on development challenges, opportunities and solutions.
For more details on ‘the world we want consultations’ visit the
Access the summarised report of the national consultations undertaken by the GWP network.