Reviewing Progress in the Implementation of the RSAP - SADC 24th Water Resources Technical committee (WRTC) meeting

GWPSA participated in the 24th Water Resources Committee (WRTC) meeting held on 7-8 May in Lusaka, Zambia. The WRTC delegates comprise directors of water departments in SADC member states and SADC implementing and co-financing agencies of the RSAP 3. GWPSA was present as an implementing partner of the Regional Water Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. Mr. Andrew Takawira, GWPSA Senior Programmes Manager, participated in the meeting and gave a presentation on GWPSAs upcoming activities in support of the RSAP 3, with specific mention to supporting Climate Change Adaptation in the Sector.   

During the review of the Progress in the Implementation of the RSAP, the meeting noted the following progress areas:

WRTC noted that in line with the strategic framework of the RSAP III the progress made in implementing the RSAP III is presented the three strategic areas, namely; Water Governance, Water Infrastructure and Water Management.

Under the Water Governance, remarkable good progress has been registered which include the establishment of ZAMCOM Organs, Training of Water Professionals in various skills such as Negotiations skills and integrity (anticorruption)in the water sector.

Under the Water Infrastructure, good progress has been made especially in setting up and commissioning IWRM pilot projects in a number Member States collectively sharing the Orange-Senqu, Limpopo, Buzi, Save and Ruvuma basins. Advanced progress has also been registered the Kunene Water supply and Sanitation project as well in establishing a fund for project preparation. The Water supply and sanitation SADC project has also made serious strides in terms of progress.

Under the Water Management Cluster, various basins’ studies have been conducted leading to better understanding, hence management and development of the basins. These includes work that is currently taking place in the Buzi, Save, Ruvuma, Limpopo & Orange-Senqu basins where various planning instruments such as IWRM Strategies, Plans, Water development scenarios etc.