Zambian IWRM Plan guides World Bank Country Assistance Strategy

As a result of the efforts of GWP Zambia, the Zambia Fifth National Development Plan, launched in 2008, takes an IWRM approach. The IWRM Plan guided the development of the World Bank Country Assistance Strategy that recommends supporting water resources management projects that have a direct impact on national development. GWP Zambia has been asked to facilitate the development of a National Investment Brief on water resources for agriculture and energy on behalf of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Zambian Government.


"To the facilitator of the process, Zambia Water Partnership … I have no doubt that you will lead the process effectively and efficiently and give us the product in time. I acknowledge your competencies in this area as you played the same role in the development of the [IWRM] Plan. I must state that, as Government, we cherish the partnership that we have established with you."  - Zambia Minister for Energy and Water Development, Mr Kenneth Konga