Apart from GWP, other NAP support partners such as NAP-GSP/UNDP/UNEP, FAO, GEF and GCF also participated in the training mainly as resource organizations. This interaction provided a widow of opportunity on discussions on further collaboration.
The workshop objectives were to:
- Support countries in designing assessments of climate risk and vulnerability leading to the identification of adaptation priorities
- Provide technical guidance and support to the counties on the design of implementation of NAPs considering modalities for accessing financing under GCF, as well as other climate change funding channels
- Enhance the capacity of countries in accessing GCF funding for the formulation of NAPs
- Provide a platform for countries to share experiences and lessons learned and to promote best practices when formulating and implementing NAPs
- Promote South-South and regional collaboration on NAPs
The workshop enabled GWP to make a presentation on GWP’s experience in climate vulnerability assessment and adaptation options appraisal, and inform other participants of the technical role it plays as one of the supporters of the global support program for NAP to Least Developed Countries. GWP’s presentation was useful both to inform countries that GWP can render support for Water-NAP processes.
The five-day workshop programme was of a participatory nature. The first day was dedicated for Malawi, the host country, to share its experiences around climate change adaptation and provide understanding on the context and efforts of Malawi in responding to climate change impacts. The main training took 3 days while the fifth day was dedicated for a field visit. The training was well organized and logically structured covering the entire NAP process and made efforts to link NAP processes with SDG processes at country level. The training also helped participants to understand on-going global processes and programs on climate change adaptation.
Kidanemariam Jembere, Technical Advisor for GWP Eastern and Southern Africa at Africa Coordination Unit presenting during the Regional Workshop on Regional Training Workshop on Climate Change National Adaption Plans (NAPs) for African Anglophone countries