Botswana Water Platform

The Botswana Country Water Partnership (BCWP) was launched in October 2003 as a chapter of GWP-SA. The Partnership was established with a mission to promote collaboration and sustainable utilization and management of water resources in Botswana through exchange of knowledge, experience and the practice of IWRM.

Institutional Setup

The Botswana Water Partnership is managed by committee members comprising people from the University of Botswana, Department of Gender, Ditswanelo, and Water Resources Consultants. The Lead ministry aligned to the Botswana Water Partnership, represented by the Department of Water Affairs. The CWP was accredited to GWPO in July 2019 .

The Partnership’s secretariat is hosted by the Kalahari Conservation Society (KCS), and the Chair is from the University of Botswana (School of Environmental Science).

Overview of Main Activities

  • Botswana Water Partnership provides an organizational structure, which fosters, unite and coordinate national partners in a professional manner to support the goals of water authorities in meeting Botswana’s water needs e.g. became the IWRM–WE PSC, providing backstopping to the water reforms sector implementation, Development of CWP Strategic plan which seek to address issues of constitution, membership, expansion, roles, financing amongst others
  •  Botswana Water Partnership assists in planning the sustainable and rational utilization, protection, conservation and management of environment and water resources based on community needs and priorities within the framework of national development policies and Vision 2016 e.g.  Water Awareness Committees (inter-ministerial facilitated by DWA) targeting schools and general public, fundraised and implemented demonstration projects in schools in line with the development of the IWRM-WE plan project
  •   Botswana Water Partnership encourages and stimulates evaluation of current water related policies for; agricultural production, potable water supply and drought related programs, and to identify gaps and establish ways to better ensure their intended purpose, working in partnership with the Government to realise IWRM. E.g. provided backstopping to the water policy development and the on-going water accounts project.
  •  Botswana Water Partnership promotes a dynamic, interactive, and awareness approach through capacity building and information dissemination on IWRM plans and implementation e.g. nationwide roadshow on water resources conservation and IWRM in 2006, Water Awareness Committees (inter-ministerial facilitated by DWA) targeting schools and general public,  joint trainings sponsored by the Govt of Botswana and SIWI.
  • Botswana Water Partnership is a platform that encourages joint action programming amongst partners in line with IWRM and provides a platform for networking with various specialists, interested groups on water issues e.g. Workshops, seminars e.g. Annual National Water Resources Management workshop facilitated by WUC on Water Demand Management,

 Recent Key Activities

  • Botswana Water Partnershipwas involved in the IWRM-WE plan which came to completion in May 2013
  • Most of short term recommendations benefitted from the just completed NDP 10 review, water sector reforms implementation and have been included in the water policy before parliament
  • Water authorities in Botswana are currently undergoing a major paradigm shift from the traditional ways of managing water needs to water demand management as expressed in IWRM.  This has created a platform for open and transparent stakeholder involvement (BWP), more cooperation and ultimately improved water governance – (WRC).

Further details on Botswana Water Partnership contact:

Chair: Prof. Peter Kenabatho :
Coordinator / Host: Ms Thato B. Morule: