Mr. Emanoel R. Alfred is coordinating the Youth Chapter under the Global Water Partnership (Tanzania Water Partnership) in Tanzania. He also works as a Policy Analyst at the Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development (UONGOZI Institute). Mr. Emanoel holds a Masters Degree in Sustainable Development Planning and Management from the Faculty of Economic Science and Management, Stellenbosch University, Republic of South Africa and Bachelor Degree of Laws (LLB Hons) from the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Prior to joining the Tanzania Youth Chapter, Mr. Emanoel worked in a number of water related projects such as the Feasibility Study of Climate Resilient Water Supply for the Simiyu Region and Baseline study for Climate Resilient Water Supply and Sanitation services in Simiyu Region contracted, undertaken Socio‐Economic Characteristics of the Mkuranga District to support the SEA process for the Kimbiji Aquifer Assessment project, as well as coordinating a scoping mission on the New Climate Economy's work programme for 2016-2018 "Better Growth, Better Climate: From Commitments to Action" to mention a few.