Joseph Onkemetse is a professional with over 10 years of experience in the field of environment and natural resources management, and community development and currently in disaster management as the disaster management coordinator for Botswana Red Cross Society. He worked for a number of NGO’s in Botswana, international NGO’s and has partaken in a number of projects nationally, and regionally. Joseph has led the Botswana Water Partnership facilitation for some time as Kalahari Conservation Society (KCS) as Environment & Conservation Officer. These have seen Joseph support the formation and implementation of the Botswana provision of water for wildlife in the Protected Areas and Wildlife Management Areas, USAID-RESILIM in the Limpopo River Basin, USAID-SAREP Project in the Okavango River Basin, USAID/IUCN- Ecosystem Approach and IWRM in the Orange Senqu River Basin. Joseph holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science and Archaeology and a Diploma in Library and Information Science from the University of Botswana. He also holds a number of certificates particularly in project management, anti-corruption in water the sector, HIV/AIDS counselling, financial management and accounting, disaster law and others mostly acquired through short causes and regional trainings.