William Tomé Alberto is a 29 year old Angolan and Brazilian citizen. He lived through the intense period of civil war in Angola (in the city of Huambo), and six years after its end, he had the opportunity to go to Brazil to complete his studies. He has a degree in Social Sciences from the federal university of Viçosa MG (Brazil) and is currently pursuing his MBA degree in business management. He has professional experience in the area of education and has worked as a teacher at the State College of Paraná and State Senator Alencar, teaching the discipline of sociology. He worked as a mentor for adolescents in the NGO Rebusca Ação Social Cristã, where he was responsible for children and adolescents considered at risk. He also worked for the Brazilian federal government in coordinating the Projovem Adolescent Program, as well as coordinating teachers at a public school in Paraná-Brazil. He is currently residing in Luanda, the capital of the Republic of Angola and is a member of APROT S.A's management team, in the electrical energy segment with specialization in SPCS (Protection, Control and Supervision systems).