News & Events

/ West Africa

Mali CWP to strengthen cooperation with the NWP

The members of the Country Water Partnership (CWP) of Mali had on 02 and 03 June a meeting to exchange with the consultant recruited by the Embassy of the Netherlands to assist the CWP-MALI in the continuation of the MoU signed with the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP).
/ West Africa

Mekrou Project activities ongoing in Niger

On June 21, the NGO Taimakon Manoma submitted its provisional report on the status of IWRM bodies in the Niger portion of the Mekrou sub-basin
/ West Africa

IUCN’s PREE project holds 2nd SC meeting

The members of the Steering Committee of the Regional Partnership Project on Water and Environment in Central and West Africa (PREE), met in Ouagadougou on June 10, 2020, for their 2nd session.
/ West Africa

Mekrou Project phase 2 Niger a clarification meeting on the methodological note to finalize the Mekrou sub-basin Scheme in Niger

GWP-WA regional coordinator had on 29 and 30 June 2021 in Niamey, a meeting to provide clarification on the methodological note for carrying out the study on the ''Finalization and operationalization of the Water Development and Management Scheme (SAGE) of the sub-basin of the Mekrou in Niger and definition of pilot initiatives for implementation''.
/ West Africa

VFDM holds technical workshop to amend and validate manual and other training materials

Under the framework of the implementation of the project entitled « Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin » (VFDM), WMO, VBA and GWP-WA have planned to organize a series of eight (8) national training workshops in the six (06) countries of the Volta Basin on the theme "Gender Mainstreaming in the End-to-End Early Warning System for Flood Forecasting and Integrated Flood Risk Management".