News & Events

/ West Africa

Strong mobilization of stakeholders at the launch of TFTC 2 in Burkina Faso

The Country Water Partnership (CWP) of Burkina Faso launched the TFTC2 project on May 27, 2021 at the Komki -Ipala town hall. This second phase of the project, which will run from 2021 to 2023, was built on the experience of the first phase of the Tonfuturtonclimat project.
/ West Africa

Benin prepares the official launch of the project

As a prelude to the launch of the TFTC Phase 2 at country level, CWP-Benin organized on May 26 an information session for the communal actors of Tanguiéta on the content of the project.
/ West Africa

Mekrou Project Phase 2 Niger activities ongoing despite difficult situation on the field

From January to May 2021, the Mekrou Phase 2 Niger Project management team (PMT) has continued with the implementation of planned activities including contract signing with the consultant firms that were selected at the end of the bid for tender to carry out two main studies in the project implementation zones and start of the study processes.
/ West Africa

CWP-Guinea strategically partnering with Guinean Parliament

The National Assembly of Guinea has created a network on sustainable development, promotion of sustainable development, integrated management of water resources, the fight against climate change and illegal immigration.
/ West Africa

Operational planning of AIP-WACDEP-G implementation in West Africa

GWP-WA and CWP Benin organized together with the Executive Directorate of the Volta Basin Authority (VBA), the Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development (MCVDD) of Benin through the General Directorate of the National Environment and Climate Fund (FNEC) and the Directorate General for the Environment and Climate (DGEC) as well as the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEE) through the General Directorate of Water (DGEau) of Benin the workshop for the operational planning and follow-up of the implementation of the WACDEP-G activities in Benin and at regional level for 2021.
/ West Africa

GWP-WA trains on mainstreaming gender equality in IWRM implementation and monitoring

As part of the implementation of the Regional Partnership on Water and Environment in Central and West Africa (PREE) project, GWP West & Central Africa and IUCN Regional Offices for Central and West Africa organized a regional training workshop on the theme "Concepts, approaches and tools for mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation" from 5 to 7 May 2021 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
/ West Africa

NBA holds statutory meetings in Nigeria

The Niger Basin Authority (NBA) held in Abuja from 24 to 27 May 2021 its statutory meeting including the meeting of the: Technical Committee of Experts on May 24 to 26, 2021, the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 27, 2021.