Out of the four dimensions of IWRM, financing is lagging furthest behind in the progression towards achieving the 2030 target. With a global score of only 46 (out of 100), it is lagging behind the other dimensions by about 10 per cent and remains a barrier to accelerate implementation of IWRM. Also, as one of the five “accelerators” of the SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework, it is vitally important that the world water community focuses on accelerating financing to boost achievement of the water-related SDGs and thus contribute to water security.

Funding Matchmaking initiative
Find out more how the Support Programme assists countries in matching country-defined priorities with financial resources.
Learning journey on Innovative Financing for Water Security through an IWRM Approach
More financing needs to be made available for IWRM approaches and implementation from a variety of sources, including public and private sector and climate financing. Find out more about the results of the learning journey.
Valuing Water in Tanzania
Find out more about how the Support Programme is helping national governments to understand the economic value of water, with the aim of increasing national budget allocations for water management.