Republic of the Congo
All actions for Republic of the Congo

Republic of the Congo
- Enabling Environment
Action 1 - Adopt the national policy on water resources management
IWRM Dimension:
Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1a. National policy
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1a. National policy
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation

Republic of the Congo
- Enabling Environment
Action 2 - Finalization and approval of the water law
IWRM Dimension:
Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1b. National law(s)
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1b. National law(s)
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Republic of the Congo
- Enabling Environment
Action 3 - Ensure the implementation of IWRM
IWRM Dimension:
Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1c. National IWRM plans
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1c. National IWRM plans
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation

Republic of the Congo
- Institutions and Participation
Action 4 - Strengthen and harmonize the institutional framework of national IWRM plans, or equivalent
IWRM Dimension:
Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1a. National institutions
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.A WASH cooperation and capacity building
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1a. National institutions
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.A WASH cooperation and capacity building

Republic of the Congo
- Institutions and Participation
Action 5 - Involving all stakeholders in water resource management
IWRM Dimension:
Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1c. Public participation - national
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.A WASH cooperation and capacity building, - 6.B WASH local participation, 17. Partnerships for the goals
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1c. Public participation - national
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.A WASH cooperation and capacity building, - 6.B WASH local participation, 17. Partnerships for the goals

Republic of the Congo
- Management Instruments
Action 6 - Make IWRM effective in Congo
IWRM Dimension:
Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1b. Sustainable, efficient use management
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.4 Water efficiency, - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1b. Sustainable, efficient use management
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.4 Water efficiency, - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation

Republic of the Congo
- Management Instruments
Action 7 - Prevent and manage the impacts of pollution on ecosystems
IWRM Dimension:
Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1c. Pollution control
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.3 Water quality, treatment, safe reuse, - 6.6 Water-related ecosystems
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1c. Pollution control
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.3 Water quality, treatment, safe reuse, - 6.6 Water-related ecosystems

Republic of the Congo
- Financing
Action 8 - Mobilizing budgetary resources in line with the needs for IWRM
IWRM Dimension:
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 4.1b. National budget for IWRM elements
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 4.1b. National budget for IWRM elements
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation

Republic of the Congo
- Institutions and Participation
Action 9 - Learning from experience
IWRM Dimension:
Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1e. Developing IWRM capacity
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.A WASH cooperation and capacity building
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1e. Developing IWRM capacity
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.A WASH cooperation and capacity building

Republic of the Congo
- Management Instruments
Action 10 - Monitor and evaluate the implementation of IWRM
IWRM Dimension:
Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1b. Sustainable, efficient use management
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1b. Sustainable, efficient use management
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation

Republic of the Congo
- Management Instruments
Action 11 - Put in place a local management framework
IWRM Dimension:
Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.2a. Basin management instruments
Level: Sub-national
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.B WASH local participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.2a. Basin management instruments
Level: Sub-national
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.B WASH local participation