Paraguay - Institutions and Participation

Action 6 – Advance gender mainstreaming and inclusive participation of women and vulnerable groups in IWRM processes

In 2022, the Global Water Partnership (GWP) South America supported the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES) in developing an IWRM Action Plan (PAGIRH), through a multi-stakeholder consultation process, as part of the commitments made by the country in the framework of the 2030 Agenda.

The result is an Action Plan containing 9 strategic actions with 44 specific activities to accelerate the implementation of IWRM in the country. The following action is part of this Action Plan and focuses on advancing gender mainstreaming and inclusive participation of women and vulnerable groups in IWRM processes. The main activities contributing to this action are as follows:

  1. Include gender equity and inclusive participation of women and vulnerable groups in the resolutions of the regulations of the Water Resources Law;
  2. Develop a pilot project on water culture with indigenous people;
  3. Develop audiovisual materials on IWRM in Guarani and other indigenous languages;
  4. Empower women to take leading roles in IWRM through the development of a workshop on women's leadership in water management;
  5. Train and empower vulnerable populations in water-related risk prevention and management.
IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.2d. Gender inclusion in laws/plans
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: 5. Gender equality, - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Budget for action:: 120,000 USD
Responsible Agency: MADES; MINMUJER, Secretariat of the Youth, INDI, STP SEN, SENASA, MOPC, Governorates, National Secretariat of Linguistic Policies, DNCC, academia