National Water Week 2016 in Yaoundé.

In the run up to the World Water Day 2016, GWP-CAf partners, like Cameroon Ministry of water and energy, private sector, NGOs and civil society organizations, organized the national water week 2016, in Yaoundé, which had as theme “water and jobs” and took place over seven days, from March 17-22, 2016.


Several events took place during the national week. Among which, there was a media workshop; two site visits, conducted, one to the wastewater treatment plant and the other to water treatment plant; a campaign for the dissemination of knowledge and legal text on water sector and sanitation; an exhibition fair; football and power walking and a forum on water jobs. All of these activities ended with a competition for a best poem written and cartoon on “water and jobs” for pupils of 5 schools in Yaounde.

A forum on the theme “water and jobs” was organized on March 21st and attended by Academics, Students, Water professionals and people interested in water sector. This activity allowed for indepth discussions between presenters and the audience, about water jobs such as water sellers, maintenance and repair water boreholes agents, borehole drillers and water engineers, water operators, hydrologists, etc. In summary, water sector provides a lot of jobs. That’s why it is good for students to get interested to water jobs, while studying.

There was a competition for the best poems written and cartoons on the water issues, untitled « promoting the children’s genius”. This was launched on March 15 ended on 17 of March 2016. Over 40 students from Secondary School in Yaounde participated. The contest aimed at promoting the children’s genius on water issues. How to draw attention of the community on water governance; water-borne diseases and water jobs, through poems and cartoons.

6 submissions among which 3 poems and 3 cartoons were chosen by the jury. The Prize award ceremony took place on March 22, World Water day, at the Ministry of Water and Energy in Yaounde. The three winners of the contest for the best poems written and the three winners for cartoons were awarded the Prize.

The GWP-CAf’s role was to support the implementation of the programs of its partners, particularly “AIDER” an NGO, in order to disseminate water knowledge among students and educative communities and to stimulate/enhance youth to get interested in water jobs. GWP-CAf also seized this opportunity to interact with other partners and disseminate GWP-CAf strategy. Pictures