. The overall objective of this workshop was to strengthen the capacities of experts from the sub-region in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and climate resilience by focusing on the specific case of the transboundary watershed of Ogoué-Ntem-Nyanga-Komo. The three-day workshop was attended by 30 participants from Central African countries and development partner institutions.
The workshop ended with the reading, on behalf of all participants, of the Final Release of the workshop. The participants expressed the wish that technical training of this type should be develop in the context of the Support Project for the Creation of a Transboundary Basin Organization (Ogooué, Ntem, Nyanga and Komo) and the Preparation of Investment Projects (PACOBT-PPI) and that the duration of the training should be extended to 4 days to allow a better appropriation of the concepts, including a field visit.