Become a GWP China Partner

Any entity, except individuals, are welcome to become a Partner of our Network.

The Benefits of Becoming a PartnerThe Network provides a Partner with services such as:

•Being part of a global and local level multi-stakeholder platform, with a voice and influence at national and international policy discussions;

•A channel through which to establish contact with other Partners, including the right to participate at the annual Network Meeting (Consulting Partners meeting);

•Guidance on identifying critical needs for the sustainable management of water resources as well as on possible ways of meeting them;

•An opportunity to match one Partner’s needs with another Partner’s resources;

•An opportunity to contribute to the development of the concept of integrated water resources management;

•Access to global information through GWP and various Partner newsletters, etc.This website offers some complimentary features, such as exclusive access to find other partner organisation online, to get help from GWP entities around the world, and collaborate on IWRM issues.

Who can become a Partner?

Any entity, except individuals, may become a Partner of the Network. These typically include States, national, regional and local Government Institutions, Intergovernmental Organizations, international and national Non-governmental Organizations, Academic Institutions and Research Institutions, Companies, service providers in the public sector, or any such entity which recognizes the principles of integrated water resources management endorsed by the Network and is committed to these principles (as outlined in the application to be a Partner).


Apply to become a GWP China Partner.


Learn more about the role of a Partner in the Network.

What about Individuals?

The GWP Statutes specify that individuals cannot become Partners of GWP. However, individuals are important contributors to the work of the GWP.The development of the GWP network and partnerships has been built on the efforts of both institutions and individuals. The institutional approach has a greater potential to promote action, access funding and create a sense of community ownership while individuals bring in considerable expertise and social capital. For example, some of the successes achieved to-date in terms of influencing governments to adopt IWRM have been achieved through the work of individuals.GWP thus gives recognition to the important role of individuals in the network, even though such individuals cannot become GWP Partners.

The following provisions therefore govern the way GWP treats such individuals:

•Individuals can participate in Country Water Partnership meetings and can serve in committees instituted by the CWP or RWP, but cannot have a vote and do not have decision making powers.

•Individuals can also serve the CWP or RWP in an advisory capacity.