GWP Annual Report Files consist of the annual monitoring summary on: progress markers, logframe indicators, implementation of planned activities and self-assessment on progress around critical GWP functions. By wrapping up the annual performance, all RWPs are requested to draft out the the planned set of activities to be implemented in next year. The work plan files consist of context and workplan summary, detailed workplan and budget.

Annual Progress Review 2016 and Annual Workplan 2017

In 2016, the plans were achieved via diverse activities in our region. In addition to workshop, we have explored other ways of involving or influencing decision-makers, e.g. publicity campaign, on-site survey, dialogue, salon, etc. Water can be related to many fields. It has developed a key element of other industries not only for water professionals. More organizations or local governments put their attention to water issues and also become strong supporters to water sector. It can be a chance for us to attract more attention or to have less voice if we cannot be further innovative and powerful on a progressively larger stage.

In 2017, we will work on the further research on ecosystem and the most active controlling factor in the ecological system. In terms of river basins, the ecosystem can be divided into four types: wetland, forest, grassland, and desert. If the water of the wetland decreases continuously, the wetland would degrade to forest, then grassland and desert finally. And if the desert has enough water, it will gradually develop into grassland, forest and wetland. Therefore, ecological progress can be advanced by controlling water of river basins to ensure that the ecosystems will not degrade and the green mountains and clean waters are well protected. We need to also implement the programmes in response to climate change in since its coal-dominated energy structure can hardly meet the growing demand of fast urbanization and industrialization and energy consumption of residents.  Therefore, water and energy will be a regional focus in 2017. Jointly with partner organizations, GWP China plans to organize a series thematic dialogue on water related issues, convening governments, institutions, businesses and media to make an open discussion on this topic.

Read more: GWP China Region 2016 Reporting and 2017 Planning