Pursuant to article 8 of the GWP & GWPO Statutes, the NC is the entity which receives and nominates candidates for the Steering Committee members, the GWP Chair and the GWP external auditors. Headed by a Chairperson, the NC consists of five to seven members who each shall serve in their personal capacity. Their tasks involve, inter alia, the review of candidate profiles, deliberations through conference calls, and final proposal making of the selected candidates. Unless otherwise provided, the NC conducts its work exclusively through digital means and is administratively supported by the GWPO Secretariat.
NC members are not renumerated for their work, and they are strongly encouraged to contribute their experience for a commitment term of up to three years, renewable once. The activities of the NC are regulated by GWP NC By-Laws.
Diversity, inclusivity and accessibility are paramount at GWPO.
Accordingly, all candidatures with a proven professional or personal connection to water and/or environmental sustainability will be considered for as long as they also meet the following criteria:
1. Experience of executive board work;
2. Experience with regional and/or international organisations or networks;
3. Ideally, professional experience in water sustainable development;
4. Reflect the need for a balance in terms of professional backgrounds, geographical representation, gender and experience from developing or developed country, and;
5. Must not have served on the GWPO NC, nor on the GWPO SC in the past six months.
Nominations with a cover letter and CV, shall be submitted in strict confidence to Noémie Apollon, Legal & Governance Specialist at noemie.apollon@gwp.org, no later than 11 December 2022.