The theme of the Congress is "Water for a Changing Future", emphasizing the urgent need to improve water science and technology to respond to a rapidly changing world and collaborate towards a sustainable future.
Eight (8) sub-themes focusing on:
1) Water-related hazard and risk reduction
2) Integrated water resources management
3) Eco-hydraulics and environment
4) Water-energy-food nexus and sustainable economic development
5) Climate change: adaptation, mitigation and resilience
6) Smart water
7) Sediment regulation and management
8) Estuarine and coastal engineering.
Under the thematic framework, it provides stakeholders a platform to discuss and exchange experiences, and share innovations and academic outcomes in water-related science and technology.
If interested in joining this Congress in China, you are invited to:
First, submit an abstract (max 400 words) of your presentation, introducing the objective(s), challenge(s), sollution(s) and outcome(s);
Second, you can deliver two (2) abstracts (max 400 words for each) of your presentations under one (1) sub-theme or two (2) sub-themes.
Last, DEADLINE for the abstract submission is 29 February, 2024.
Now, the submission system is open for your inputs!!
Hope to learn your research or practical stories and see you in October in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China!
Any further queries about sessions or exhibitions, please contact: