/ China

Hebei-South Holland Cooperation on Water

On June 8, 2017, marked the ten-year history of cooperation between Hebei Province and South Holland on water resources development, and thereby celebrating the anniversary in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei Province.
/ China

Capacity Development for SDG 6 in Chinese

On June 1, 2017, GWP China, jointly with its partners, chaired the SDG6 webinar inception in Chinese language at the invitation of the Cap-Net UNDP based on close relationship of GWP with UNDP and UNEP.
/ Central Asia and Caucasus, China, South Asia, Southeast Asia

GWP Asian Dialogue on South-South Water Cooperation in Nepal

On May 23-25, 2017, the fourth south-south interregional water cooperation gathered GWP China, Central Asia and Caucasus, South Asia and South East Asia, four Regional Water Partnerships, in Pokhara, Nepal.
/ China

WANG Hao on China's Contribution to Water and One Belt One Road

Towards an equal, friendly and secured international community, China has developed the blueprint of “One Belt One Road” for multiple bonds with more than 60 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa to work for a community of shared benefits, destiny and responsibility. Tsinghua University founded the Institute of Global Development in 2016 for promoting the One Belt One Road at national, regional and global level.
/ China

Promotion of GWP Change Agenda in China Region

On March 27 and 28, 2017, GWP China organized a capacity building session to help secretariat staff of provincial and river basin partnerships learn "GWP Change Agenda" for strengthening institutional construction in Yunnan Province.
/ China

Water Education in Elementary School in Hunan

On the occasion of World Water Day, GWP China Hunan, with a team of volunteers from partner organizations, met elementary students in Yijiawan Center School of Shaoshan County, in Hunan Province. It's a routine of GWP China Hunan to organize "World Water Day" thematic campaign annually. The theme of 2017 is water saving and ecological development.
/ China

New look of GWP, like it or not?

GWP is presenting itself on a fresh look on the occasion of World Water Day, transforming from old to newfangled, with the big makeover lies in new search functions for knowledge, news, events, and partners, as well as more highlighting results.
/ China

International Women’s Day 2017:Gender Equality

Women hold up half the sky, quote from MAO Zedong in the 1950s, the core figure of New China's first generation leadership. From then on, China has always worked out development plans and pressed forward with gender equality and women’s development.
/ China

Working Together for Sustainable Development Goals

GWP China and the World Resources Institute (WRI) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on March 2, 2017, in Beijing. Mdm Qihua CAI, Chair of GWP China, Prof. Yunzhong JIANG, Secretary General and the Secretariat officers visited WRI's office where had the MOU signing ceremony.