Meeting with the WRI

On July 29, 2014, the Global Water Partnership China had a working meeting with the World Research Institute (WRI) in Beijing to exchange work plan and discuss cooperation proposals.

The 5th Conference of the 2nd GWP China Council

The 5th Conference of the 2nd GWP China Council was held on June 6, 2014, in Beijing. Chaired by Mr. Wang Shucheng, Chair of GWP China, the conference convened twenty four council members, the staff of GWP China Region Secretariat and the representatives of GWP China Provincial/River Basin Water Partnerships to review the annual report of 2013 and work plan of 2014.

The Network Officer of GWPO visits GWP China Regional Secretariat

June 3 and 4, 2014, in Beijing, the Senior Network Officer Angela Klaeusen who was freshly nominated as the Network Officer of GWP China Region and GWP South Asia Region visited the Secretariat of the GWP China to conduct a two-day working meeting. This is her first time of visiting GWP China Secretariat.

GWP China Capacity Building

GWP China Regional Partnership Secretariat organized capacity building session for the Secretariats at provincial/river basin water partnership level, on April 12, 2014 in Longyan, Fujiang Province.

The Session on the Progress Report of the Programme on Collection of China’s Response Strategies of Drought and Flood

March 28, 2014, the Chinese Academy of Engineering organized the "Session on the Progress Report of the Programme on Collection of China’s Response Strategies of Drought and Flood” in Beijing. The participants were from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Civil Affairs, China Meteorological Administration, and other organizations, around 60 people in total attending the meeting.

The Seminar of UNIDO for presenting latest Industrial Development Report

On March, 21, 2014, around 50 participants, including representatives of the diplomatic corps and representatives of the UN agencies Beijing Offices and private sectors, attended a seminar organized by the China Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) China Office in Beijing.