Conference on Water Saving Ecological Campus Construction

For solving the problem of water supply for the water saving ecological campus, GWP China Shaanxi, jointly with Shaanxi Provincial Department of Water Resources, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education and Shaanxi Ecological Campus Innovation Programme Office, organized the Conference on Water-Saving Ecological Campus Construction on June 13th, 2010 in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province.

Water Users Associations in Fujian Province

With the full support of GWP China Fujian, the revisit, a follow-up to the workshop on WUA last year, was made by Mr. Khalid Mohtahdullah, GWPO Senior Advisor, Mr. Bjorn Guterstam, GWPO Network Officer, Mr. Zheng Rugang, GWP China Coordinator and Ms. Ma Yilin, GWP China Programme Officer accompanied by Mr. Liu Ziwei, Honorary Chair of GWP China Fujian and Deputy Director General of Water Resources Department of Fujian Province and Mr. Bian Hongda, Chair of GWP ChinaFujian, in Taining County, Sanming City, Fujian Province on April 16, 2010.

High-Level Round Table Meeting on Climate Change and Water Security in China

With the support of the Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of the Environmental Protection, the High-Level Round Table Meeting was jointly organized by GWP China and the Swiss Development Cooperation Agency (SDC) in Beijing, on April 8, 2010. The co-sponsors include The Nature Conservancy, UNESCO Office Beijing, UNICEF Office for China, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) and Chinese National Committee on Large Dams.

Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize

On March 3rd, 2010, the host of Singapore International Water Week awarded Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize 2010 to the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC).

Workshop on Countermeasures for Extreme Climatic Events in Coastal Areas

In order to enhance countermeasures for extraordinary typhoon or rainstorms attributed to extreme climate in Fujian Province, GWP China Fujian, together with Fujian Provincial Department of Water Resources, Fujian Provincial CHES Disaster Control Committee, held Workshop on Countermeasures for Extreme Climatic Events in Coastal Areas on December 16, 2009 in Fuzhou, Fujian Province.

Outcomes of the Survey Report of GWP China Shaanxi

The Ministry of Water Resources of China officially replied to the 《Survey Report on Rural Drinking Water Safety and Water Saving Ecological Campus of Rural Middle and Primary Schools》developed by the GWP China Shaanxi.