The Post-quake Water Facilities Reconstruction Session, GWP China Shaanxi

GWP China Shaanxi, jointly with Drinking Water Safety Center of MWR, Shaanxi CHES, WWF Beijing Office, and with support of Shaanxi People’s Congress General Office, Shaanxi Provincial Water Resources Department, Hanzhong City Government, held “Post-quake Water Facilities Reconstruction Session” on November 11 to 13, 2009 in Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province.

IWRM Toolbox Training Course

With the support of Hohai University, one of partners of GWP China, the third IWRM Training Course of Hohai University was taken place in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province, 27-28 October, 2009.

The Fourth Yellow River International Forum

The Yellow River Forum, gathering around 1500 participants from 61 countries, was hosted in Zhenzhou, capital of Henan Province, 20-23 October, 2009 to discuss around the theme of “Ecological Civilization and River Ethics”.

The Third Wei River Forum

The 3rd Wei River Forum was taken place in Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province, 18-19 October, 2009, hosted by GWP China Shaanxi, Shaanxi CHES, Shaanxi Environmental Prevention Scientific Association and Wei River Governance Administration with joint support of GWP, Shaanxi Provincial People’s Congress, Provincial Water Sector, Environmental Prevention Sector, Soil and Water Conservancy Administration and Women’s Federation and etc.

China-India Youth Forum

The China-India Youth Forum was taken place in Beijing, August, 2009. As the co-sponsor of this forum, GWP China sent Mr. Zheng Rugang, Secretary General of GWP China, as the representative to discuss with the counterparts from Peking University about the preparatory issues.

2009 CP Meeting and the Stockholm World Water Week

On behalf of GWP China, Mr. Zheng Rugang, Executive Secretary of GWP China; Ms. Ma Yilin, Programme Officer of GWP China and Dr. Yin Junxian, Senior Engineer of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research attended CP Meeting and World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden from August 15 to 21, 2009.

International Conference of World Ecoculture and Environment Education

The International Conference of World Ecoculture and Environment Education was jointly held by the Institute of World Literature and the Center and Cross-Cultural Studies of Peking University, GWP China, Global Citizens of Sustainable Development of India and Gutenburg University Mainz of Germany from August 14 to 20, 2009.

International Advanced Training Workshop on International River Basin Management

The International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES) is one of partners of GWP China. On behalf of the Ministry of Water Resources and the UNESCO, the Center organized the International Advanced Training Workshop on International River Basin Management lasting from July 28 to August 3, 2009. There were 51 trainees from 18 countries, covering Asian, European Oceania and African continents, who participated in the training course.