2015 Working Conference and the Sub-regional Consultation Meeting

The 2015 Working Conference and the Sub-regional Consultation Meeting of GWP China were organized on February 9 and 10, 2015 in Beijing.

The representatives of the Regional Partnership Secretariat and the Secretariats at provincial/river basin water partnership level participated in the Working Conference on the first day. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Rugang Zheng, Secretary General and Coordinator of GWP China Region. Firstly, Prof. Xiaotao Cheng, Deputy Coordinator of GWP China Region, introduced the outcomes of implementing the 2014 activities of GWP China Region.  Mr. Zheng then released the work plan of 2015 at the regional level, and the representatives of provincial/river basin water partnership secretariats presented their plans and activities in 2015. The implementation of "Water, Climate and Development Programme" was discussed, regarding its current progress, planned activities, budget and expected outcomes in 2015. At the meeting, representatives of the Secretariats exchanged ideas and discussed the issues encountered in the work. They also made some recommendations to the future development strategy at both regional and provincial levels. The Regional Secretariat requested the provincial/river basin water partnerships to better implement the activities planned this year and it was also highlighted to strengthen the capacity building of the secretariats of the provincial/river basin water partnerships and continue the better operation of the partnerships’ network at local level.

Following the Working Conference, the GWP China Sub-regional consultation meeting was held on the second day. It was chaired by Prof. Hao Wang, Acting Chair of GWP China Region and Prof. Yunzhong Jiang, Deputy Coordinator of GWP China Region. The meeting convened part of council members, and invited technical professionals, the staff of GWP China Region Secretariat and the representatives of GWP China Provincial/River Basin Water Partnerships.

Reviewing the Sub-regional progress guidelines, a list of questions was sent prior to the meeting, allowing the participants to come prepared. At the meeting, the themes under the framework including“Water and Cities”、“Water and Green Growth”、“Water and Food Security”、“Climate Change and DDR”and “IWRM” were discussed based on the realities of China. The participants also delivered their constructive comments upon the discussion results. GWP China Region planned to contribute case studies under each theme.

It also developed a framework draft for the activities to be conducted. The case study's development and related activities would be carried out in close coordination with the thematic leaders and the event coordinators of GWPO. GWP China Regional Secretariat was planned to engage in direct communications with each thematic leader and GWPO for better participation and contribution to the sub-regional side events in Korea.