Attending the new book releasing ceremony of WWF

On October 20, 2010 in Beijing, the WWF Beijing Office released the new book “The Management Practice on Rural Drinking Water Security Project in China” which was jointly edited by WWF and the Rural Drinking Water Safety Center of Ministry of Water Resources (MWR).

Mr. Wang Hao, Vice Chair of GWP China and Mr. Zheng Rugang, Coordinator of GWP China were invited to attend the releasing ceremony.

Taking over two years, this book was attributed to the joint efforts by more than 20 experts from the MWR, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research and the China Agriculture University. According to the book, the current situation of the protection of drinking water sources in rural areas of China is challenging, appearing in poor water quality and accelerated pollution. The pollution sources that might impact rural water environment include discharges of township-owned enterprises; over use of fertilizer and pesticide; centralized –breeding farms; solid wastes and undeveloped infrastructures of wastes treatment in rural areas. The book also highlights that the protection of water source areas is the core of the drinking water security in rural areas and the healthy fresh water and eco-system is a guarantee of the sustainable development of drinking water.

The GWP China has a very good cooperative relationship with and receives support from WWF and the two sides agree to further, through attending each other’s activities and supporting each other, the cooperation in the future.