China-India Youth Forum

The China-India Youth Forum was taken place in Beijing, August, 2009. As the co-sponsor of this forum, GWP China sent Mr. Zheng Rugang, Secretary General of GWP China, as the representative to discuss with the counterparts from Peking University about the preparatory issues.

At the meeting, GWP China suggested Peking University, the sponsor of this forum, holding a sub-forum related to water amidst the forum. For better support, GWP China promised to be in charge of water experts being invited and delivering presentation; a group of Chinese young water professionals participating in this forum and arrangement of on-site investigation in Beijing. 

After this forum, the Sino-Indian young people, both from developing countries, are going to deepen mutual understanding of two countries in terms of society, policy, economy, culture and history. They will, in addition, be able to raise their ability in cross-cultural communication through the platform of this forum.