The Workshop on Low-carbon Economy and Rational Use of Water Resources

The Workshop on Low-carbon Economy and Rational Use of Water Resources was held jointly by GWP China Hebei and Hebei Senior Scientists Association in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province on October 11, 2010 with support by GWP China, Hebei Provincial Science and Technology Association, Hebei Provincial Department of Water Resources and Hebei Provincial Power Grid Corporations.

The opening  addresses  were made by Mr. Chen Liyou, Chair of Hebei Senior Scientists  Association; Dr. Dong Zheren, Standing Vice Chair of GWP China and Mrs. Danka Thalmeinerova, Toolbox Officer of GWPO. The academicians and experts delivered key-note speeches including Mr. Liu Jiaqi, the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Mr. Wang Hao, the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Vice Chair of GWP China. There were over 80 participants from the sectors of water, meteorology, agriculture, forestry, transportation, electric power, environmental protection, construction, land resources and relevant research institutions and universities.

One of key climate change adaptation strategies and critical element of the China’s National 12th Five-year(2011-2015) Plan is to develop the low-carbon economy, advocate efficient mode of life and build up water-saving and pollution control society. From the geographic aspect, the Hebei Province embraces two key municipalities, Beijing and Tianjin. The pillar industries of Hebei Province are iron and steel that cause high coal consumption and car dioxide emission. The water of this province is also insufficient. For the rational use of water resources and low-carbon economic development of Hebei Province, the relevant experts made academic reports regarding climate change, low-carbon economy and rational use of water resources. Preceded by the reports, the stakeholders discussed these topics and worked out concrete proposals to pertinent decision-makers, government agencies and departments.