The Fourth Wei River Forum

The Fourth Wei River Forum was joint organized by the GWP China Shaanxi, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Water Resources and Wei River Management Bureau of Shaanxi Province in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province on October 13, 2010.

For this Forum, Minister Chen Lei, Ministry of Water Resources sent congratulatory message; Mr. Liu Ning, Vice Minister of Water Resources, Mr. Li Guoying, Commissioner of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission(YRCC) and Mr. Yao Yinliang, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province attended and addressed to the forum. The invited experts, including Mr. Li Peicheng, the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Mr. Zhang Hongwu, Prof.of Tsinghua University, made key-note speeches. The participants totaled 130 from the Ministry of Water Resources, YRCC, Tsinghua University, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Chang’an University, Xi’an University of Technology, Shaanxi provincial departments, Wei River Management Department of Shaanxi Province, GWPO and GWP China.

As one of 10 side events for “The Action on Protection of Mother River-for the Health of Wei River”, the Wei River Forum targets at convening experts and stakeholders to contribute suggestions and advices to Wei River Management and river basin sustainable development through the platform of fora. The theme of the fourth forum is Wei River Safety. The topics of the last three fora are civilization, water resources and environment.

During this forum, the reports and presentations were given by the experts and water managers on the topics of flood control and emergency response strategies; the construction of Dongzhuang Reservoir; Wei River Safety; the implementation of “Plan of Key Projects for Managing Wei River Basin”; the construction and management of flood control projects of Wei River Basin; the management of flood water and flood storage and detention areas; the flood peak water regulation  and analysis on over-standard flood water releasing. Before the forum conclusion, as the main outcome, the four- points recommendation was adopted: First, decreasing sediment in channels; second, improving flood control for the river basin; third,  reinforcing dykes; fourth, starting construction of Dongzhuang reservoir.

The Fourth Forum was reported by 19 media organizations, including Shaanxi Daily, Shaanxi TV, Shaanxi Radio and China Water. The whole forum was broadcasted online by the Western Road, official website of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Water Resources and Wei River Web.