Groundwater Management Workshop for Climate Change

The Workshop on Groundwater Management for Coping with Climate Change cosponsored by China Institute of Water Resource and Hydropower Research and the Groundwater Monitoring Centre of Ministry of Water Resources, was held on March 22~23, 2011 in Beijing.

The GWP China was one of the supporters and Mr. Zheng Rugang, the Coordinator of GWP China, was invited to participate in the Workshop.
Prof. Gao Zhanyi, Deputy Director of International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation and Member of GWP China TEC, chaired the workshop. The speakers at the opening ceremony included Mr. Edward Clarence-Smith, Chair for UN Theme Group in China on Climate Change and Environment and UNIDO Res. Rep. in China, Mr. Tim Sutton, the Acting Res. Rep. of UNICEF in China and Mr. Liu Zhiguang, Deputy Director General, Dept. of International Cooperation, Science and Technology of Ministry of Water Resources.

The workshop aimed at discussing the better solutions for issues on managing groundwater in coping with the climate change and exchanging and sharing study results and experiences on groundwater management for coping with climate change. The exchanges of ideas and discussion were held at the impact of climate change on groundwater and role of groundwater for climate change adaptation, and policies and technical requirement for improving the groundwater management.

The sponsors of the Workshop were the implementing units of the UNICEF/Ministry of Water Resources cooperating project of study on Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater.