High-Level Round Table Meeting on Climate Change and Water Security in China

With the support of the Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of the Environmental Protection, the High-Level Round Table Meeting was jointly organized by GWP China and the Swiss Development Cooperation Agency (SDC) in Beijing, on April 8, 2010. The co-sponsors include The Nature Conservancy, UNESCO Office Beijing, UNICEF Office for China, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) and Chinese National Committee on Large Dams.

Mme Zhang Meiying, Vice Chairperson of China People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) was present and made a speech at the opening session. Mr. Chen Lei, the Minister of Ministry of Water Resources, Mr. Wan Bentai, the Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Mr. Liu Yanhua, the Consultant to the State Council and former Vice Minister of Science and Technology delivered keynote speeches. Slots were given to Mr. Edward Clarence Smith, UNIDO Res. Rep. and Chair of Team Group in China on Climate Change and Environment, Mr. David McLoughlin, UNICEF Deputy Res. Rep., Walter Meyer, Counselor for Development of the Switzerland Embassy to China and Mr. Khalid Mohtadullah, GWPO Senior Advisor at the opening session. Mr. Wang Hao, the Academician of the China Engineering Academy, and other four experts were also invited to give presentations after the keynote speeches.

For the purpose of promoting equal dialogue between different sectors and institutions and the further cooperation between them, this is the 7th High Level Roundtable Meeting, which covered four topics : energy conservation and emission reduction; the impact of climate change on water resources in China; the relationship between the climate change and flood control safety, drinking water safety, food safety and ecological safety; and climate change adaptation and integrated water resources management. Focused on the topics, the participants had a warm and in-depth discussion on how to further promote cooperation between various sectors and institutions, better adapt to global climate change and ensure water security in China.

The 112 participants from the key ministries, the related departments of the Ministry of Water Resources, UN organizations offices, scientific research institutions, universities, companies, NGOs and the media in China were represented. The meeting was broadly reported by the media. The proceedings and vedio of this meeting are now under preparation and will be disseminated to related governmental agencies and decision-makers.