IWRM Toolbox Training Course

With the support of Hohai University, one of partners of GWP China, the third IWRM Training Course of Hohai University was taken place in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province, 27-28 October, 2009.

The training course attended 36 participants (of which 9 were women) mainly foreign graduated students in hydrology, hydropower, coastal management and environment.  Their countries of origin were in Africa, Middle East and South East Asia. Some were also there to do their Ph.D at Hohai.

The two-day IWRM training was part of the GWP ToolBox programme to support GWP China in its long-term work to establish a Chinese ToolBox hub. The GWP training team was led by Danka with Khalid and Björn as speakers on IWRM examples. The delegates from GWP China were Mr. Zheng Rugang and Ms. Ma Yilin

According to the feedback of participants, the training course brought a new dimension in their studies and they appreciated acquired information and knowledge based upon a fully interaction between lectors and trainees. They developed a complete discussion about IWRM principles, Toolbox and its implementation in different countries and way of dissemination of IWRM.