Improving the Infrastructure Solutions in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Preceded by a series of regional workshops in Africa, Latin America, South-East Asia and Central Asia organized by IUCN and IWA since 2012, the Symposium on Infrastructure Solutions in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus was taken place at the Beijing Friendship Hotel, starting on Thursday 13 November and ending on Saturday 15 November, 2014, in Beijing.  GWP China was formally invited to be the co-sponsor of the symposium jointly with IUCN and IWA .

Based on the discussion with IUCN and IWA, GWP China invited three experts from the Ministry of Water Resources, International Center on Small Hydropower and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences respectively to deliver the presentations regarding water management in China, water-hydropower-energy nexus as well as water and food in China. At the opening session, Mr. Zheng Rugang, Coordinator of GWP China, addressed the symposium, jointly with Dr Mark smith, Director, IUCN Global Water Program and Dr. Tao Li, China Director, IWA Greater China.

As the previous one that has been designed to stimulate debate on the role of infrastructure and technology solutions for water, energy and food security, the Nexus Dialogue was designed to establish a global platform to stimulate ideas and exchanges of experiences on best practices and optimization of multi-purpose water infrastructure including natural infrastructure solutions. Formed by 60 international and regional professionals, from public and private sectors and civil society, the participants worked together to develop a series of evidence-based policy recommendations to facilitate moving the nexus concept into action programs, investments and commitments.

This was the first cooperation between GWP China and IWA Greater China, bridged by IUCN Global. With the contribution of three sponsors and the participants, the symposium collected the experiences from governmental and non-governmental agencies, international and domestic organizations as well as academic institutions and civil societies.


Photo: The cover of the symposium report

Report: The full version of the symposium report