Investigation Activities of GWP China Hebei

In May, 2012, Global Water Partnership China Hebei conducted investigation and studies in four cities and nine counties.

In May, 2012, Global Water Partnership China Hebei, jointly with Hebei Provincial Association for Senior Scientists, conducted investigation and studies in four cities and nine counties on implementing the No. 1 Policy Document issued by the Chinese Central Government in 2011 on reform and development in water sector. This activity was greatly supported by the provincial governmental organizations particularly by the Department of Water Resources.
According to the plan, more investigation and studies will be conducted in other two cities and six counties. After the activities, the reports will be prepared and submitted together with the recommendations to the relevant provincial governmental organizations and decision-makers. Based on these, a workshop will be organized in October, 2012. The activities will help promote the better implementation of No.1 Policy Document and speed up the reform and development in water sector of Hebei Province.