Minister Chen Lei met with GWP Steering Committee members

On May 19, 2010, Mr. Chen Lei, Minister of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China, met with the GWP Steering Committee members at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and had a dinner together later. Some other senior leaders of the Ministry of Water Resources, the leader of GWP China’s host institute  together with Mr. Wang Shucheng, Chair of GWP China, Dr. Dong Zheren, Standing vice Chair of GWP China, Prof. Wang Hao, Vice Chair of GWP China and Mr. Zheng Rugang, Coordinator of GWP China also joined.

Mr. Chen Lei, on behalf of the Ministry of Water Resources, firstly expressed a warm welcome to all members of GWP Steering Committee who participated in SC meeting in Beijing. He reviewed the cooperation between the Ministry and GWP in the field of water resources and gave credits for the progress and achievement of GWP China in the past ten years. Regarding the UN Millennium Development Goals for Water and Sanitation, the Minister briefly introduced about what had been done and achieved by China.

The Minister stressed that the Ministry would like to strengthen the cooperation and exchanges with GWP in order to promote sustainable development and protection of global water resources. The cooperation could be in four aspects, namely, to share advanced technologies, experiences and concepts of water resources management with other countries via network of GWP; to jointly organize meetings, activities or exhibitions around water events at international level; to encourage GWPO to support GWP China and all provincial/river basin water partnerships as usual; and to join in activities of GWP Steering Committee or Technical Committee for contributing GWP with Chinese experiences.

Following the introduction of Mr. Chen, Dr. Obeng, GWP China, held that Chinese achievement in water resources management was very impressive and the work and progress of the Chinese Government concerning the UN Millennium Development Goals for Water and Sanitation were deserved with great prestige. The China’s advanced technologies and successes in drinking water safety are reference and significance for other developing countries, particularly, the African countries. China is expected to provide more contribution to the pursuit of water resources management in the world. Dr. Obeng also put a premium on the cooperation between GWPO and GWP China and the role of latter in the development of GWP network. She shared the suggestions of Mr. Chen for better and deeper cooperation between GWP and the Ministry of Water Resources.