Proposed workshop of the IWRM under the Asia-Pacific Water Forum

GWP China participated the proposed workshop of the IWRM under the Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF).

As the session coordinator of the IWRM in Asia-Pacific region as session group 5 appointed by the Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF) and Korea Water Forum (KWF), the Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (NARBO) organized the proposed workshop on February 18 in Bangkok, Thailand.

The GWP China was invited to the workshop as we have committed to contribute to the session group 5 regarding the IWRM at the APWF meeting in the WWF 7 taken place in April in Korea.

Prof. Xiaotao Cheng, Deputy Coordinator of GWP China, attended the workshop in Bangkok and delivered a presentation of the IWRM application in China. His speech was appreciated by the participants and raised the interest of the organizer too, especially changing policy from postpartum management to preliminary review and Chinese new policies of water management released in 2011.

This activity would support the further preparation process of the WWF 7 under the theme of IWRM and GWP China planned to contribute more related information to the NARBO for a better presentation of Chinese experience in this April at the WWF 7.