Summary Meeting of the Evaluation of the Post-quake Rural Water Supply Facilities and the Capacity Building Project

“The Summary Meeting of the Evaluation of the Post-quake Rural Water Supply Facilities and the Capacity Building Project” was taken place on July 8-9, 2010 in Mianyang City of Sichuan Province.

The meeting was attended by over 100 participants from the China’s Ministry of Water Resources, Mott MacDonald Ltd on behalf of UKDFID, GWP China, Sichuan and Shaanxi Provincial PMOs and four project pilot counties. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Zhang Lei, Deputy Director General of Sichuan Provincial Drainage and Irrigation Bureau. And the representatives of GWP China, two PMOs and pilot counties at the meeting presented the reports on the implementation and outcomes of this project.

The project will come to the end after this meeting.

The post-quake reconstruction after “5.12” earthquake in Sichuan Province was highly concerned by the international community. As one of UK governmental organizations that has been involved in the reconstruction , among other disaster areas, the DFID has approved and financially supported, among others, this project which was proposed by GWP China in 2009. GWP China was also coordinating with Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces for its implementation. The project objective is to summarize experiences of post-quake reconstruction and strengthen water supply facilities management through technical supports and capacity building through training courses.

The project boasts significance in post-disaster reconstruction and importance in the water supply facilities management and the capacity building. The main findings are: 1)Overall planning needed for the reconstruction with consideration of the local conditions; 2)Investing more energies into capacity building including the training; 3)Giving full play to the post-quake rehabilitation process of NGOs and international organizations; 4)Setting up long-term effective mechanisms for preventing and fighting against the natural disasters.

The outcomes of the project will be of practical significance for further establishing and improving emergency responding systems for disasters, addressing the unexpected disasters and preventing disasters and reducing losses of the disasters in China.