The Second Partners Meeting of GWP China

The 2nd Partners Meeting of GWP China was taken place on 13 May, in Changsha, Hunan Province.

The 2nd Partners Meeting was hosted by GWP China Hunan and gathered 136 participants among them 88 of 109 partners, who voted for the new council and amendments of the statutes.  The CP had a session of three work groups who discussed RWP issues in general and the proposed statutes and new council members in particular.

After election of the new Regional Council , the Chair, Wang Shucheng, led the first council meeting  with a coaching style. A tour de table of short presentations of the present 27 council members plus the network officer continued in a free discussion with preference for new members to raise their issues. Among them three Boundary Actors:

Sanitation expert Er Xueli, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention: GWP platform is very good for us to create public awareness, to get international community interested in climate change and water security issues of China.

Meteorological scientist Xu Xiangde: GWP to help bridge information gaps between sectors.

Legal expert, Mme Zeng Lan of NDRC : GWP has taken on a great mission and leadership and will help social development at grass-root level. I will take these experiences to the Government.