The Seminar of UNIDO for presenting latest Industrial Development Report

On March, 21, 2014, around 50 participants, including representatives of the diplomatic corps and representatives of the UN agencies Beijing Offices and private sectors, attended a seminar organized by the China Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) China Office in Beijing.

The launch event featured presentations by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), UNESCO, UNDP and the Greenpeace detailing work being done in the field of freshwater development. The importance of the report was underlined by Edward Clarence-Smith, Chair of the UN Theme Group on Climate Change and Environment and Head of UNIDO China Office, who stated that “water and energy are both at the heart of sustainable development and need to be recognised as such”.

It focused on UNIDO’s new vision of inclusive and sustainable industrial development and the role the Organization plays in investment and technology promotion.

Key findings of UNIDO’s Opens external link in coal-water nexus in China were also presented during the seminar by the Greenpeace.

GWP China was invited to the seminar and other guests included representatives of FAO, WWF, and other NGOs.