The Session on the Progress Report of the Programme on Collection of China’s Response Strategies of Drought and Flood

March 28, 2014, the Chinese Academy of Engineering organized the "Session on the Progress Report of the Programme on Collection of China’s Response Strategies of Drought and Flood” in Beijing. The participants were from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Civil Affairs, China Meteorological Administration, and other organizations, around 60 people in total attending the meeting.

Prof. Wang Hao, the Vice Chair of GWP China, served as the director of the overall programme.

Eleven project leaders under the programme framework reported on their project progress at the seminar at which Dr. Jiang Yunzhong, the Communications Officer of GWP China, on behalf of Project Four, briefed the progress under the theme of "China drought monitoring and early warning and forecasting capacity building research”. His report included implementation, technical outputs and outcomes of the research.

At the meeting, academicians and experts provided their advice on the reports to facilitate project leaders with a clear direction for further implementation. After proper adjustments of each project according to the recommendations, they will be reviewed again in May of this year.