The Third Wei River Forum

The 3rd Wei River Forum was taken place in Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province, 18-19 October, 2009, hosted by GWP China Shaanxi, Shaanxi CHES, Shaanxi Environmental Prevention Scientific Association and Wei River Governance Administration with joint support of GWP, Shaanxi Provincial People’s Congress, Provincial Water Sector, Environmental Prevention Sector, Soil and Water Conservancy Administration and Women’s Federation and etc.

The theme of this forum is “Wei River Environment” and invites more than 100 participants to attend to deliver 2 keynote speeches, 1 lecture and 7 key presentations. On behalf of GWPO and GWP China, Mr. Bjorn Guterstam and Mr. Zheng Rugang participated these activities.

The forum was carried out around water environment management system and mechanism and pollution, ecology, soil and water reservation, integrated governance and river health from different aspects. The participants, through discussion, achieve consensus which refers to leadership of governments, sectors’ cooperation, public participation and acceleration of Wei river governance. The forum also offers four solutions for the Wei River environment problems. First, to accelerate implementation of Wei River and Five-Year Integrated Management Plan; second, to enforce pollution governance and ecological construction of Wei River; third, to further develop construction of water works for increase of water resource capacity; fourth, to decline silt and flood risks to Wei River in order to raise its capacity of flood control by integrated management.