Training Course for Liaison Officers of Foreign Affairs

The annual training course of liaison officers who are responsible for foreign affairs, and overseas visits, organized by the Department of International Cooperation, Science and Technology, Ministry of Water Resources, was taken place on August 18 and 19, 2010, Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province.

The activities invited 50 participants from different relevant sectors, GWP China sent Ms. Ma Yilin, programme officer to participate.

In addition to reviewing the “Rules of the Provisions Concerning Personnel Sent Abroad on Official Duty” issued by the State Council in 2008 and regularizing the whole process, the training course was conducted with discussion about common issues and resolutions of visits and foreign affairs as well as exchange of achievable experiences. The liaison officers can be more familiar with the operation of overseas visits and also broaden their horizon on foreign issues through this annual training.