Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize

On March 3rd, 2010, the host of Singapore International Water Week awarded Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize 2010 to the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC).

As one of most reputable water prizes in international water community, this prize recognizes outstanding contributions of individual or organization towards solving global water problems by either applying technologies or implementing policies and programs. In view of its remarkable achievements in Yellow River governance and management, the YRCC has been the final winner out of the 50 candidates this year's Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize.


The YRCC is the host institute of GWP China Yellow River, Mr. Li Guoying, Commissioner of the YRCC and Mr. Huang Ziqiang, the former Vice Commissioner of the YRCC, are the Honorary Chair and Chair of GWP China Yellow River respectively. Based upon the close cooperative relationship between two parties for long time, Mr. Li Guoying always discusses with GWP about principles and technologies towards river basin IWRM and has them carried out effectively in practice. By carrying out a series of sustainable policies and measures such as the river basin’s IWRM and the unified water regulation, the non dry-out for the successive 10 years of the Yellow River had been secured and the water demands for economy, society and ecology comprehensively balanced. These guarantee the water demanded for the river basin and the domestic uses for people living along the river and the economic and development uses in river basin areas and the restoration of large areas of wetlands and biodiversity in the Yellow River Delta as well, thus changing the situation of the dry-out every year in the 1990s and returning life and vitality to the river.