Workshop of Working with China to Support Sustainable Water Resources Management in Developing Countries

On March 4, 2013, Mr. Zheng Rugang, the Coordinator of GWP China was invited to discuss about the participation of GWP China in the UK-China Cooperation Project “Working with China to Support Sustainable Water Resources Management in Developing Countries” with Ms. Wu Lin, the Project Manager of UK DFID China.

    The UK Government will provide financial support for this project to support sustainable water resources management in African countries. The Ministry of Water Resources and the International Poverty Reduction Centre of China, the Chinese Government Partners, will provide technical support. It is a 5-year 2-phases project with the first phase of 2 years to be started in April 2013 according to the plan. The Chinese Government partners will provide technical consulting services, personnel training and capacity building on sustainable water resources management in Tanzania of Africa.

The UK DFID China invites the GWP China to participate in the implementation of this project. The two sides discussed the working areas and ways of the participation in the project and expressed the wish to reach soon the agreement and further strengthen the cooperation.